Tuesday, August 9, 2011


do you think mom and dad are right?
im getting ready for work and feeling so unmotivated. i guess being sick doesn't help.. but all i wanna do on this beautiful day is run around with you taking silly pictures, hanging out at the park, reading.. watching you draw. i want L to be able to animate all day and work on his own projects, i want B to be on a boat somewhere.. we can all be on it.. sailing away with mojitos in hand. if there is just one life to live.. and as much as i try to hope for more time, more space, why am i wasting so much of it in a dank cubicle?


It's three in the morning, which offically means I can't sleep. My favorite part of the evening was collapsing In the living room and sharing sloppy drawings, while you tried on the cheerful pink dress that looks A million times better on you! And Ben (natuarally) being jealous of our lactose free ice cream dessert. I really wish that where ever I traveled (no matter the stay) I could pack my family up with me. I'd take you guys on first days of work, to social events I am dreading, sightseeing in new cities, late nights on the town, And where ever else life leads me. I would like to think that your voices (advising me) in my head are a Little back like your presence, but I know its not the same of being here. I love this city on nights like This one the most, but I know if I don't do these things because you're not like a shirt I can toss along for The ride... I'll end up with ideas instead of stories. I am already missing you too

Monday, August 8, 2011


dear bear,

today we had dinner at alchemy. you guys were talking about moving to DC. i was sad but also excited for you, many adventures lie ahead. we ate brussel sprouts and french fries, the bleached blond waitress was nice to us this time. even with your inevitable move, i have always looked around at the four of us, at these moments, and wish that i could freeze time and keep them in my pocket forever. you are blazing the trail for us to leave our hometown.. you are following your gut.. and i am tremendously missing you already, but more than anything anticipating the new stories you will tell..

love, love,
